Urban Brownfield Redevelopment

Urban brownfield redevelopment overcomes forgotten environmental legacy to allow redevelopment of an urban landfill.

Modern Geosciences was engaged to help evaluate and develop a remedial closure strategy for a nine-acre brownfield redevelopment property for a retail and condominium developer. Based on the Phase I ESA, the site was suspected of being part of a historic undocumented landfill related to a former municipal incinerator that ceased operations in the 1940s. Investigation efforts confirmed the property included municipal waste dating to the 1910s to a depth of up to 17 feet below grade with landfill gas across much of the property. Methane concentrations of over 60% by volume were noted in on-site wells. Through the use of additional investigation, regulatory negotiations and engineering design coordination, a multi-rule closure was completed within the Texas Voluntary Cleanup Program that resulted in the removal of all subgrade waste (approximately 200,000 cubic yards) and construction of retail and residential property on this idle brownfield.


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