Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Convert mountains of data into actionable intelligence with geographic information system (GIS) solutions.
As the sophistication and size of our your projects increase you will need to develop methods that allow not just tracking, but interactive use of the data generated. Modern Geosciences has generated numerous geodatabase projects for our clients using GIS.
Featured Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services
- Perimeter Monitoring
If you work in an industry where you may contribute to air quality concerns, you need to understand not only your contribution but also the context of perimeter levels coming and going from your site. This can be accomplished with perimeter monitoring services. […]
- Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)
As industrial operations become more common within urban settings, leak detection and repair (LDAR) approaches need to be updated to account for increased public and regulatory scrutiny. Modern Geosciences is a leading innovator in the LDAR community and can help you find and address issues before larger concerns occur. […]
- Institutional and Engineering Controls
Modern Geosciences can help evaluate which institutional and engineering controls may be right for you project to prevent and minimize on-site environmental risks. […]
- Geodatabase Development
As we encounter more and more data, it is important we develop the tools to effective use and share this information. Geodatabases serve as the basic collection tools to build GIS-referenced datasets. With this, you can generate relevant maps and databases for your project. […]
- Expedited Lead Assessment
Lead is a common contaminant found in everything from paint to large-scale soil impacts resulting from historic smelter operations that can affect hundreds of acres. […]