Mergers & Acquisitions

Fully understand the potential risk of merger and acquisition projects with tailored environmental due diligence.
When companies either merge or seek to acquire another entity, an extensive level of due diligence is required to fully understand the potential risks involved. Modern Geosciences has worked to support Mergers and Acquisitions for several clients. This has included a host of environmental services performed on everything from vast timberland resources to portfolios of operating gas stations.
Featured Mergers & Acquisitions Services
- Vapor Intrusion (VI) Inspection and Mitigation
Modern Geosciences provides expert vapor intrusion (VI) inspection and mitigation services designed to confirm, identify and locate the source of potential contamination and to mitigate the health risks posed to associated indoor environments. […]
- Tank Inspections and Investigations
Modern Geosciences provides tank inspections and investigations to confirm that tank operations meet regulatory compliance and to mitigate any potential financial or environmental impact. […]
- Soil and Groundwater Remediation
The Modern Geosciences team is experienced in the development of customized soil and groundwater remediation plans, implementation strategies and ongoing compliance solution programs for recalcitrant pollutants found in soil and groundwater. […]
- Site Investigation Design and Sampling
Modern Geosciences’ team of environmental experts develops site investigation design and sampling programs for the collection and laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples in an effort to establish a complete understanding of the environmental risks associated with a site. […]
- Site Inspections
Modern Geosciences collects and reviews available information about a known or suspected hazardous waste site or release as part of our preliminary assessment and site inspection (PA/SI) process. […]