Vapor Intrusion

Stay one step ahead of changing regulatory and risk mitigation needs by truly understanding possible vapor intrusion concerns.
Modern Geosciences provides expert vapor intrusion inspection and mitigation services, including
- investigation planning
- site evaluation
- future modeling
- mitigation planning
- post-construction monitoring
This often requires we go beyond the minimum regulatory requirements to better help our clients anticipate risk in the years to come. Make sure you have a partner that understands the best approaches to collect and act on the resulting data.
Contact Modern Geosciences today to learn more about our vapor intrusion inspection and mitigation services.
Featured Vapor Intrusion Services
- Vapor Intrusion (VI) Inspection and Mitigation
Modern Geosciences provides expert vapor intrusion (VI) inspection and mitigation services designed to confirm, identify and locate the source of potential contamination and to mitigate the health risks posed to associated indoor environments. […]
- Site Reuse Design
Modern Geosciences is experienced in site reuse design in an effort to bring sites where environmental concerns are present back into productive use through processes protective of both human health and the environment. […]
- Site Investigation Design and Sampling
Modern Geosciences’ team of environmental experts develops site investigation design and sampling programs for the collection and laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples in an effort to establish a complete understanding of the environmental risks associated with a site. […]
- Remedial Planning
Modern Geoscience provides safe, compliant and affordable environmental remedial planning services to clients in the industrial, commercial, retail and government sectors. […]
- Regulatory Closure Strategy and Completion
Modern Geosciences produces innovative Regulatory Closure Strategy and Completion for commercial properties negatively impacted by past uses. […]