Environmental Training

Industry-specific environmental training helps clients monitor ongoing concerns.
Modern Geosciences provides customized training to our clients on how to prepare, monitor, and address environmental concerns specific to their industry.
Featured Environmental Training Services
- Site Inspections
Modern Geosciences collects and reviews available information about a known or suspected hazardous waste site or release as part of our preliminary assessment and site inspection (PA/SI) process. […]
- Phase I ESA
The Phase I ESA standard represents the most common tool for environmental due diligence. However, no two sites are the same. While many firms offer this service, Modern Geosciences has a highly trained staff that is often called on for the most complex and challenging properties […]
- Perimeter Monitoring
If you work in an industry where you may contribute to air quality concerns, you need to understand not only your contribution but also the context of perimeter levels coming and going from your site. This can be accomplished with perimeter monitoring services. […]
- Media-Specific Risk Calculation
As with any data, context matters. We can help you determine where your actual risk and project costs are as well as what regulatory strategies will best work for the specific concerns at your site. […]
- Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)
As industrial operations become more common within urban settings, leak detection and repair (LDAR) approaches need to be updated to account for increased public and regulatory scrutiny. Modern Geosciences is a leading innovator in the LDAR community and can help you find and address issues before larger concerns occur. […]