Commercial Real Estate

Gain a competitive advantage for commercial real estate projects with our environmental due diligence services.
Modern Geosciences has worked with several of the nation’s largest retail firms as they address both redevelopment and compliance challenges. As a sector driven by the needs of the consumer, they often tackle urban brownfield properties well before they come to the attention of others. Modern regularly supports retail development with customized environmental due diligence programs, clear future project cost estimation, and innovative solutions that give our clients a competitive advantage.
Featured Commercial Real Estate Services
- Vapor Intrusion (VI) Inspection and Mitigation
Modern Geosciences provides expert vapor intrusion (VI) inspection and mitigation services designed to confirm, identify and locate the source of potential contamination and to mitigate the health risks posed to associated indoor environments. […]
- Tank Removal and Closure
Modern Geosciences is experienced at producing the regulatory confirmation documentation required to obtain underground and above ground storage tank removal and closure. […]
- Tank Inspections and Investigations
Modern Geosciences provides tank inspections and investigations to confirm that tank operations meet regulatory compliance and to mitigate any potential financial or environmental impact. […]
- Soil and Groundwater Remediation
The Modern Geosciences team is experienced in the development of customized soil and groundwater remediation plans, implementation strategies and ongoing compliance solution programs for recalcitrant pollutants found in soil and groundwater. […]
- Site Reuse Design
Modern Geosciences is experienced in site reuse design in an effort to bring sites where environmental concerns are present back into productive use through processes protective of both human health and the environment. […]