
Expert environmental counsel and witness services help clients face even the toughest legal concerns.
Modern Geosciences has a long partnership with the legal community. As the counselors to all the other sectors we serve, they act in a unique capacity to help their clients discern and measure risk. Modern has supported the legal industry through expert and fact witness efforts as well as engagement for technical comment, traditional environmental due diligence and comprehensive remedial projects.
Featured Legal Services
- Expert Witness
Attorneys often call on us for our professional litigation support and expert witness services to help judges and juries clearly understand the scientific data that often accompanies environmental cases. […]
- Expedited Lead Assessment
Lead is a common contaminant found in everything from paint to large-scale soil impacts resulting from historic smelter operations that can affect hundreds of acres. […]
- Business Environmental Risk Assessment
Business environmental risk assessments characterize the nature and magnitude of risk to humans and ecology from chemical contaminants and other stressors, that may be present in the environment, so that the information can be used to determine how best to enact protections from those contaminants. […]
- Ambient Air Program Management
Modern Geosciences currently assists our clients with everything from site-specific inspections to large-scale ambient air quality monitoring programs. […]