Mergers & Acquisitions

Fully understand the potential risk of merger and acquisition projects with tailored environmental due diligence.
When companies either merge or seek to acquire another entity, an extensive level of due diligence is required to fully understand the potential risks involved. Modern Geosciences has worked to support Mergers and Acquisitions for several clients. This has included a host of environmental services performed on everything from vast timberland resources to portfolios of operating gas stations.
Featured Mergers & Acquisitions Services
- Geodatabase Development
As we encounter more and more data, it is important we develop the tools to effective use and share this information. Geodatabases serve as the basic collection tools to build GIS-referenced datasets. With this, you can generate relevant maps and databases for your project. […]
- Business Environmental Risk Assessment
Business environmental risk assessments characterize the nature and magnitude of risk to humans and ecology from chemical contaminants and other stressors, that may be present in the environment, so that the information can be used to determine how best to enact protections from those contaminants. […]
- Asbestos Surveys
Modern Geosciences regularly coordinates the evaluation of asbestos-containing material at properties during the performance of our other services. […]