Vapor Intrusion

Stay one step ahead of changing regulatory and risk mitigation needs by truly understanding possible vapor intrusion concerns.
Modern Geosciences provides expert vapor intrusion inspection and mitigation services, including
- investigation planning
- site evaluation
- future modeling
- mitigation planning
- post-construction monitoring
This often requires we go beyond the minimum regulatory requirements to better help our clients anticipate risk in the years to come. Make sure you have a partner that understands the best approaches to collect and act on the resulting data.
Contact Modern Geosciences today to learn more about our vapor intrusion inspection and mitigation services.
Featured Vapor Intrusion Services
- Municipal Setting Designations (MSDs)
Municipal setting designations (MSDs) are an institutional control to prevent the use of shallow groundwater within a targeted footprint. In doing so, several cleanup criteria can be adjusted to better reflect actual site conditions, often making site closure costs more manageable. […]
- Institutional and Engineering Controls
Modern Geosciences can help evaluate which institutional and engineering controls may be right for you project to prevent and minimize on-site environmental risks. […]
- Health and Safety Planning and Monitoring
Whether you have a general construction project or environmental investigation underway to collect representative data, with health and safety planning and monitoring, you can ensure all possible risks are anticipated and your staff is well trained to address them. […]
- Business Environmental Risk Assessment
Business environmental risk assessments characterize the nature and magnitude of risk to humans and ecology from chemical contaminants and other stressors, that may be present in the environment, so that the information can be used to determine how best to enact protections from those contaminants. […]
- Ambient Air Program Management
Modern Geosciences currently assists our clients with everything from site-specific inspections to large-scale ambient air quality monitoring programs. […]