Brownfield Redevelopment

Make problematic properties viable again with creative brownfield redevelopment solutions.
Before the first use of the term “brownfield” in the early 1990s, redevelopers have long avoided these properties because of both real and perceived environmental issues that introduce risks into their projects. As a partner with our redevelopment clients, Modern Geosciences continues to deliver creative solutions that allow these once blighted properties to be put back into use for the community.
Featured Brownfield Redevelopment Services
- Site Investigation Design and Sampling
Modern Geosciences’ team of environmental experts develops site investigation design and sampling programs for the collection and laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples in an effort to establish a complete understanding of the environmental risks associated with a site. […]
- Remedial Planning
Modern Geoscience provides safe, compliant and affordable environmental remedial planning services to clients in the industrial, commercial, retail and government sectors. […]
- Remedial Design and Remedial Action (RD/RA)
Modern Geosciences has extensive remedial design and remedial action (RD/RA) experience, having addressed environmental concerns from past industrial operations, landfills and other commercial businesses. […]
- Regulatory Closure Strategy and Completion
Modern Geosciences produces innovative Regulatory Closure Strategy and Completion for commercial properties negatively impacted by past uses. […]
- Phase II Site Investigations
Modern Geosciences has extensive experience designing and implementing on-site Phase II site investigations to confirm, locate and identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs) or concerns. […]