Brownfield Redevelopment

Make problematic properties viable again with creative brownfield redevelopment solutions.
Before the first use of the term “brownfield” in the early 1990s, redevelopers have long avoided these properties because of both real and perceived environmental issues that introduce risks into their projects. As a partner with our redevelopment clients, Modern Geosciences continues to deliver creative solutions that allow these once blighted properties to be put back into use for the community.
Featured Brownfield Redevelopment Services
- Phase I ESA
The Phase I ESA standard represents the most common tool for environmental due diligence. However, no two sites are the same. While many firms offer this service, Modern Geosciences has a highly trained staff that is often called on for the most complex and challenging properties […]
- Municipal Setting Designations (MSDs)
Municipal setting designations (MSDs) are an institutional control to prevent the use of shallow groundwater within a targeted footprint. In doing so, several cleanup criteria can be adjusted to better reflect actual site conditions, often making site closure costs more manageable. […]
- Media-Specific Risk Calculation
As with any data, context matters. We can help you determine where your actual risk and project costs are as well as what regulatory strategies will best work for the specific concerns at your site. […]
- Institutional and Engineering Controls
Modern Geosciences can help evaluate which institutional and engineering controls may be right for you project to prevent and minimize on-site environmental risks. […]
- Incremental Sampling Design
For larger projects where individual sampling of discrete points can lead to diminishing returns and exhaustive costs, Modern Geosciencs has worked with ways to represent large areas or volumes using incremental sampling design methods to ensure you understand site conditions. These efforts are often employed when real-time field decisions are needed to help keep a project schedule as short as possible. […]