Brownfield Redevelopment

Make problematic properties viable again with creative brownfield redevelopment solutions.

Before the first use of the term “brownfield” in the early 1990s, redevelopers have long avoided these properties because of both real and perceived environmental issues that introduce risks into their projects. As a partner with our redevelopment clients, Modern Geosciences continues to deliver creative solutions that allow these once blighted properties to be put back into use for the community.

Featured Brownfield Redevelopment Services

  • Impacted Soil and Groundwater Management

    Without proper planning you can often find yourself inadvertently exposing construction staff to situations they are not trained for or worse, spreading contamination to other properties where you now become an additional responsible party. Working with properties requiring impacted soil and groundwater management requires thinking beyond the closure process to ensure long term liability is minimized. […]

  • Health and Safety Planning and Monitoring

    Whether you have a general construction project or environmental investigation underway to collect representative data, with health and safety planning and monitoring, you can ensure all possible risks are anticipated and your staff is well trained to address them. […]

  • Expedited Lead Assessment

    Lead is a common contaminant found in everything from paint to large-scale soil impacts resulting from historic smelter operations that can affect hundreds of acres. […]

  • Cultural Resource Evaluations

    Cultural resource management involves inventorying sites, evaluating them, and sometimes mitigating the adverse effects of development projects and construction. […]

  • Business Environmental Risk Assessment

    Business environmental risk assessments characterize the nature and magnitude of risk to humans and ecology from chemical contaminants and other stressors, that may be present in the environment, so that the information can be used to determine how best to enact protections from those contaminants. […]